[nycphp-talk] appropriate rates

Edward Potter ejp at
Wed May 8 22:09:19 EDT 2002


It's a pretty tricky market right now in New York City. I think the 
going rate is about $45/hr with or without DB work. I  know some amazing 
programmers who now basically will take anything, they have been out of 
work for months. I heard that AMEX axed 2000 programmers, sent the whole 
operation to India just the other day. So the competition is going to be 
fierce here.  

A real eye opener is to check out  how rock bottom the prices 
programmers are charging on  What's scary is that these 
overseas guys are doing some great coding, and charging almost nothing. 
I lived in India for a few weeks, my hotel was 70 cents a day. So a 
$1000 for a full featured Web site is a nice piece of change if you are 
outside the USA for sure. Not everyone can send their work [and deal 
with the logistics] overseas, so building  up relationships now may pay 
off with bigger projects later.

Good luck... ed  

rons dixon wrote:

>If no database work is involved then I would charge $50.00 
>an hour.
>On Wed,  8 May 2002 19:07:46 -0400
>  "Kenneth Schwartz" <kenschwartz at> wrote:
>>I know this question is hard to answer due to the many 
>>factors that could be involved.   But I'm just looking 
>>for very general input.  I'm wondering if anyone can give 
>>me ballpark idea of appropriate rates/project price for a 
>>fairly 'normal' upgrade from a static HTML site to one 
>>with some PHP enabled dynamic components.  By 'normal' I 
>>mean nothing crazy in the data model or code expected.  I 
>>need to give a client a project price and I've been 
>>working completely inside a corporate environment for the 
>>past 3 years so I really don't know what the freelance 
>>market will bear.  Anyone wish to enlighten me?
>>Thanks and best regards,
>>Kenneth Schwartz
>    Rons Dixon
>    Programmer /Network Specialist
>    Chemical Week Associates.
>    212-621-4613

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