[mambo] SEF solutions

Graham Spice graham at
Wed Mar 9 13:46:46 EST 2005

I have not tried SEF Advanced but would like to. I have used the Xaneon 
Alias Manager. It works very well but I couldn't even begin to keep up 
with manually adding each alias. Their new release looks promising, but 
it isn't out yet. I want an automated solution and I have been under the 
impression that SEF Advanced is it. I haven't decided to commit any 
money to researching it as a solution, though.

It has been said a number of times that all of our SEF concerns are for 
humans, not actually search engines! Google and other search engines are 
not having any trouble indexing Mambo websites without SEF.

I haven't had the need yet to integrate any eCommerce solutions into 
Mambo but I also find it troubling that phpShop does not work with 
existing SEF solutions. That was going to be my solution. Ugh. :-(

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