php meetup

eZ Publish - PHP based open source content management system (CMS)

Enterprise PHP CMS and Publishing

October 25th, 2005

New York PHP's Andrew Yochum and Michael DeWitt will present eZ Publish. eZ Publish is an PHP based open source content management system (CMS) and application development framework. eZ Publish combines powerful enterprise level functionality with an easy to use interface and quick startup out of the box while providing a framework to customize, extend and integrate it. And with a dual commercial and open source licensing scheme, eZ is appealing to all types of developers and organizations.

Andrew and Michael will demonstrate:
- creation of custom content classes
- building and applying templates to display content
- creating site structure and content
- content reuse and relationships
- user, group and role management
- workflow creation and use
- creating a basic extension

Thanks to IBM for providing a great presentation space with seating for plenty.

As a service to our community, New York PHP Community meetings are always free and open to the public.


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