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PHP & Oracle Developer Days

Enterprise Linux with PHP, Oracle and Red Hat

August 8th, 2003

New York PHP is organizing a trip to New Brunswick, NJ on Friday, August 8th, to attend Oracle Developer Days. This year PHP is included in the workshops, alongside Red Hat, GDB and Enterprise Linux. Join New York PHP for a day of fun as we go on the road and learn about PHP and Oracle, firsthand.

"Looking for best practices for developing on Linux? Want to get the most out of open source software? Join us for this one day workshop to get a step-by-step tutorial on setting up your Java development environment on Linux, learn about debugging techniques using GDB and other Open Source tools, find out how to write PHP applications with the Oracle database, and much more! Also hear from Red Hat experts as they give tips on compilers, tuning, and migrating to Red Hat Enterprise Linux."

Registration is free, but space is limited so register now if you'll be attending or are able to help us plan for a smooth trip. Join the PHP mailing list for the latest discussion and details.


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