php meetup
Responsive Web Design
Mobile-first design and layout with PHP and responsive HTML 5.
January 22nd, 2013
It's been twelve years since NYPHP started and a lot has changed since then. Not only does Facebook rival TV as a primetime pastime - that's right, a web site rivaling TV - it does so on dozens of screen sizes. Whether smart, tablet, laptop or dull desktop, "cross-browser" compatibility has taken on new meaning.
This January, we're pleased to have Sam Richard, Sr. Front End Developer at NBCUniversal, kick off a new year with a look at the latest in Responsive Web Design and development so that the next time you're asked about mobile compatibility - you'll know how to respond.
Responsive Web Design is one of the largest shifts in thinking to hit the web since tableless design and web standards. I'll be going over the basics of responsive web design, including mobile first design, grids, and breakpoints.
Sam Richard is a Sr. Front End Developer at NBCUniversal where he is bringing responsive web design and design in browser to big media. Previously he has worked for the World Economic Forum and the New York State Senate. Sam organizes the New York Responsive Web Design meetup and co-organizes the New York Sass meetup. You can find him on the Internet @Snugug or at